How to Add Custom Sitemaps to your Blogger Blogs

Blogger is a blogging platform which is quite popular among newbie bloggers or bloggers who can blog with certain restrictions. One of such restrictions is inability to edit Robots.txt file and other is lack of complete XML sitemap. other is lack of complete XML sitemap.

A sitemap is a webpage which consists of links to all the webpages or posts on your blog. Search engines like Google and Bing can use these sitemap files to discover pages on your site and index them.

With WordPress and other CMS you can easily create XML sitemaps and optimize then for better results, but if you are using Blogger platform then you can will face problems.

The problem with Blogger sitemaps is that -> it will have only the 26 most recent blog posts. That’s a limitation because some of your older blog pages, that are missing in the default XML sitemap file, may never get indexed in search engines.

Amit Agrawal from Labnol has published a good guide which tells you how you can add Google Sitempa to your blog and edit Robots.txt file. [LINK]. This article is a must read for all Blogger users.

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